Sunday, March 4, 2012

What game on the PC is very similar to World of Warcraft but without the monthly fees?

I want a game that I will not put down for years but again no monthly/yearly fee. I like action/adventure/shooting/FPS etc. and this will be my first PC game (I want it to last for quite sometime to come). I have been looking at Fallout 3, Dragon Age, Just Cause 2. I need a game that is going to take over my life (in moderation I know). Thank youWhat game on the PC is very similar to World of Warcraft but without the monthly fees?
There's a reason that they charge money for WoW subscriptions. All that money goes to support the world that they've built and to keep it going and to continually freshen it up with new contact. I don't know if you're really going to find an experience that's extremely similar to WoW for free...What game on the PC is very similar to World of Warcraft but without the monthly fees?
Guild Wars Is like WoW you need to buy it at the store but there's 0 monthly feesWhat game on the PC is very similar to World of Warcraft but without the monthly fees?
Here are some suggestions:


League of Legends


Fallout 3

Bad Company 2

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2

Guild Wars

Just some ideas.
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. This is an awesome RPG but it is single player only. If you get this, plus all the addons (usually sold together now) you'll have about 450 to 500 hours of game play.

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