Sunday, March 4, 2012

Are there any other xbox games that are similar to Dragon Age: Origins?

I got Dragon Age 2 and I'm extremely disappointed as it is nothing like Dragon Age: Origins... I'm looking for an rpg similar to DA, one with a good story, engaging party members who can possibly be love interests, and lots of side quests. I've played Fable 2 and Mass Effect 2, they were both great but didn't leave a lasting impression on me. And I don't like any of the Fallout games.

I can't use PC games though as my laptop is not great for gaming...Are there any other xbox games that are similar to Dragon Age: Origins?
There is really nothing quite like DA. The Witcher 2 is comparable in terms of having a strong story and lots of player choice, but you can't make your own character and combat is clunky. Otherwise you could try Knights of the Old Republic or Jade Empire. These are both older Bioware games that have a lot of the same RPG elements as DA.Are there any other xbox games that are similar to Dragon Age: Origins?
mass effect

the elder scrolls oblivianAre there any other xbox games that are similar to Dragon Age: Origins?
played mass effect 1?

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